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Maximize Your Organization's Full Potential.

 Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Training & Exercise Design, Facilitation, Evaluation, and Improvement Planning


Incident command location at a full-scale exercise.
Thad Hicks training a class of emrrgency managers

Exercises, Drills, & Workshops

The experience gained during exercises is the best way to prepare teams to respond effectively to an emergency. Erie exercises are designed to engage team members and get them working together to manage the response to a hypothetical incident.

Training & Education

Erie Prep can help equip you and your organization in a number of Safety, Preparedness, and Emergency areas including disaster relief operations, logistics, emergency planning, and safety.



ABOUT Erie Prep

Erie Prep is a well experienced and certified team of Emergency Managers passionate about making sure that when things fall apart, those we work with do not. 


The Erie team comes to you with direct experience in the field and a passion to see agencies, organizations, and individuals get better prepared and ready for whatever comes their way. This passion comes through in our efforts and makes us better at the work we perform.     

meet the team

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Jim Bolen

Thad Hicks

Thad is the Founder of Erie Emergency and Crisis Consulting. Thad has over 25 years of Public Safety and Emergency Management experience, and serves as the Principal Consultant.

Jim serves as a Senior Consultant for Erie Emergency and Crisis Consulting.  Jim has over 15 years of experience in Public Safety, including over 10 years of experience in Emergency Management.  

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